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How to Start A Successful Blog That Makes Money in 10 Steps

How to start a successful blog that makes money? If you have any experience using the Internet, there's little question that you've heard a lot about blogs, bloggers, and blogging. They can be read occasionally or regularly. You could even be considering how to start a blog. The average income of bloggers is $45,000, with the majority earning between $38,440 and $51,906. To learn how to set realistic expectations for your blog revenue, keep reading since there are many factors that will affect how much money you make blogging. A well-considered blog name is a mantra of many "how to start a blog" guides. And for good reason—if you take a look at any successful blog, you'll see that they frequently have a blog. Continue to read and listen to get inspiration. Maintain current knowledge and hone your expertise in your field. If so, you are not alone, and there are several benefits to starting a blog. You can blog to call attention to the news you think is important, p...

20 Best Weekend Jobs to Maximize Your Side Income

What are some of the best weekend jobs to maximize your side income? Even full-time work may not always generate enough revenue for you to meet your financial objectives. Securing more income is a terrific strategy to prevent financial hardship, regardless of whether you're attempting to save for a significant purchase, trying to set money aside for emergencies, or just trying to make ends meet.

Nevertheless, working 40 hours a week might exhaust you, and we firmly think that weekends (or other free time) should be used to have fun. But what if you might discover the means of earning money on the weekends while engaging in pleasurable activities?

You may pick a side hustle that is significant to you because there are many part-time weekend employment available thanks to the gig economy. These occupations may match your hobbies and skills. And it's simple to put in the hours and get the money when you appreciate what you're doing. You will have an advantage over many others if you can figure out how to generate money doing what you love.

Here are some weekend side occupations that may be both simple and enjoyable without further ado.

How can you make a little more money?

You most certainly have the chance to work a side gig or a part-time job doing something you like doing for money. Consider driving with Uber or Lyft, or delivering food or groceries with DoorDash or Instacart, if you like driving.

Best Weekend Jobs to Maximize Your Side Income

It can make sense for you to work as a pet sitter on Rover if you enjoy taking care of animals. To discover a side work you like, have an open mind and be aware of the options nearby.

1. Be a tour operator

One of the finest side hustles for someone who loves to meet new people and is enthusiastic about their city is working as a tour guide. You won't even need to be a professional to be able to show tourists your favorite places to see, eat, and do.

Check out the following websites to learn how you may be paid:

  • Showaround
  • ToursByLocals

2. Become a budtender

Being a budtender in a state where marijuana is allowed for either medicinal or recreational use might be a lucrative side gig and a fulfilling way to assist people in finding relief from a variety of conditions. 

You'll need to obtain a fundamental license in the majority of states, and there can be a modest fee upfront. Just be sure to pick a reliable curriculum for budtender certification. Being a cashier at a dispensary might be a wonderful way to enter into the business if you're not quite ready to be a budtender.

3. Help businesses with accounting

The majority of small company owners who want bookkeeping support don't require a full-time employee. 

The work-from-home job of bookkeeping is adaptable and unquestionably something you could accomplish on the weekend. This can be the perfect weekend job if you like working with spreadsheets and arithmetic.

4. Teach a fitness class 

A wonderful side gig for an exercise junkie who wants to encourage others to adopt healthy behaviors is working as a group fitness teacher or personal trainer. Jobs in the field may be enjoyable and fulfilling, and employment in the sector is growing.

The American Council on Exercise (ACE) is the biggest certifying body in the US, and certification is required for the majority of chances. The certification you select will determine the amount of work and time needed. The certification exam, however, will allow you to study at your own convenience and leisure.

5. Advice on house staging

Home staging is another possibility for a freelance job. The process of staging a property involves outfitting and arranging it to appeal to as many potential purchasers as feasible. Start by developing a network with nearby real estate brokers. 

If you're just getting started, you might have to work for free, but after you have a portfolio of homes you've staged, you can start earning additional money with your interior decorating abilities.

6. Teach English

If you enjoy working with children but would rather stay at home, you can tutor English kids in China online with VIPKid and makeup for $22 per hour. You may assist pupils in gaining confidence in a foreign language even if they don't know Chinese. 

You will be given the curriculum, and you will work with each kid individually to ensure that they receive the individualized instruction they require.

7. Help with event setup

Find event setup jobs to undertake in your own time if you have expertise in the hospitality business and love getting party-ready. It takes workers to assist put up and take down events like weddings, festivals, and farmers' markets. On TaskRabbit, you might be able to locate some weekend employment.

8. Hang out in an empty house

To make sure the plants are watered and the mail is delivered, travelers frequently engage house sitters. House sitters frequently look after the family's pets as well. House-sitting is a simple way to earn some additional money without putting much work into it.

It's a terrific choice as well if you want to relax, put your feet up, and catch up on your social media or Netflix. You may even combine your side businesses and try one of these applications for generating money while playing games. To get started with home sitting, visit these websites:

  • MindMyHouse
  • Nomador

9. Join mystery shopping

Some businesses may pay you for providing comments on your shopping experiences at numerous stores in order to compile statistics about customers' experiences. Usually, you'll be required to make a purchase before getting paid. You may get started with Market Force and IntelliShop, two free platforms.

10. Hang out with children

Consider working as a weekend nanny or babysitter if spending the entire weekend playing with children seems like fun to you. You'll be able to have fun, run around, get silly, and assist a parent who is in need of a break.

There are no prerequisites for being a nanny or babysitter, although you may charge more if you have a degree, CPR and first aid certificates, and experience with children. Additionally, your prospective employer could want to run a background check on you.

On these websites, you may get in touch with parents looking for child care:

  • Nanny Lane
  • Sittercity

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11. Take up reselling

Searching garage and estate sales for exceptionally high-quality things that can be sold online on platforms like eBay or Amazon may be fun for treasure seekers. Additionally, you may sell any vintage apparel you discover at thrift shops or worn items you no longer wear on apps like Poshmark.

12. Start a ride-sharing business

If you have a car that qualifies and doesn't mind transporting passengers, you might want to think about becoming a rideshare driver. Your schedule is up to you, and you might be able to make extra money during peak times of the day. A side career driving for Lyft or Uber might be lucrative if you have some extra time.

13. Become a self-employed tailor

Since not everyone is skilled at sewing, there is a need for reasonably priced adjustments. You are already prepared to launch a freelancing company if you own a sewing machine and are proficient at hand stitching. Give antique shops and neighborhood boutiques your information so they may send it on to clients.

If you don't sew but enjoy assisting others in finding the ideal fit, consider applying to work as an outfitter with Trumaker. You'll locate customers, take their measurements, and get paid a commission for each piece of personalized apparel you sell.

14. Spend time with dogs

If you're an animal lover (the sort that stops to pat random people's dogs on the street), you could discover that working weekends as a dog walker or pet sitter will make you happy and earn you some additional money.

Consider beginning your dog walking business by utilizing one of these services:

  • Rover
  • Wag!
  • TrustedHousesitters

15. Use your creative skills

Perhaps you have a talent for the organization or love writing or graphic design. If so, you might be able to earn some money on the weekends working as a freelancer. 

For instance, you could choose to attempt editing other people's writing or writing for hire on subjects you are aware of. Transcription, which is the act of typing up what is stated in audio or video recordings, is an additional choice.

Freelance writers, graphic designers, and virtual assistants may connect with clients on websites like Upwork and Fiverr. Even while the income for work on these sites varies, if you locate the proper opportunities, you may wind up with a successful, reliable side hustle for the weekends.

You could always make things to sell on websites like Etsy or Redbubble if your creative abilities go more toward the artistic or practical.

16. Earn on everyday purchases

Did you know that you may get money back and points for your purchases when you shop? By making purchases at your preferred brick-and-mortar and online businesses, you may accrue points, gift cards, and cash back. 

Create a profile with a website that offers rewards, look up partner merchants where you can earn points, and you're good to go! You could even receive a bonus for your initial sign-up.

Here are two excellent possibilities for rewards:

  • MyPoints
  • Swagbucks

17. Become a brand spokesman

You could appreciate working with businesses to promote their products in your spare time if you enjoy finding new brands and telling your friends about them. In many cities, businesses advertise on Craigslist for volunteers to hand out samples at liquor stores, grocery stores, pop-up events, and other locations.

These prospects may occasionally conflict with your other interests. For instance, we came across advertising wanting people who love children to market toys at a family-friendly event and ads requesting people to pour wine samples during a tasting. These ads are often located in the "gigs" section of your local Craigslist.

18. Deliver goods and meals

If you have a few hours to spare on the weekends, delivering food and groceries may be a successful side business. It's also easy to get started. Even while each delivery service operates slightly differently, you can frequently join up as a delivery driver and immediately begin processing orders. 

With the exception of being older than 18 and having a dependable form of transportation for picking up and delivering orders, there are normally no specific restrictions.

You have the following possibilities if this seems like the ideal side job for you:

  • Uber Eats
  • DoorDash
  • Instacart

19. Pour beer or wine

Those who appreciate fine liquor may find a second job pouring wine or beer at a restaurant, brewery, or vineyard enjoyable. To get started, you might need a certification or license, so make sure to look into what's needed where you live. 

If you enjoy your work and want to be more active, you may even think about obtaining a license to sell alcoholic beverages and starting a mobile bartender service.

20. Take surveys

Taking surveys could be an excellent alternative for you if you're searching for a side business you can conduct from the comfort of your sofa. A smartphone and an internet connection are all you require. This side job won't provide you with a full-time salary, but it can help you save up some additional spending cash.

Once more, there are often no particular prerequisites for joining a survey platform. You only need to be older than 18 and open to expressing your viewpoint in most situations. If you're interested, these are some excellent choices:

  • Survey Junkie
  • Inbox Dollars
  • Branded Surveys

Is blogging a viable source of income?

Yes, you may earn money from blogging. Regular content creation and audience building are probably required before you can charge for your services or goods. 

You could even be able to monetize your website with adverts or provide niche items through affiliate marketing if your blog begins to acquire popularity. Being a blogger is difficult, but if you put the time and effort into it, it may be worthwhile.

Final thought

There are several methods to earn additional money on the weekends that won't feel like work, regardless of your interests, which may include art and design, children and pets, shopping, or simply visiting your city. 

In order to complement your weekday employment, enhance your earning potential, reduce your student loan debt, and gain control over your financial objectives, many of these business ideas allow you to establish your own hours and even set your own prices. You can locate the ideal side business for your needs and way of life. Have fun working hard!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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    Invest in learning new skills, stay updated with market trends, network with peers, and maintain persistence to build a sustainable online income. Avoid get-rich-quick schemes; focus on long-term strategies."

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